Saturday 31 October 2015

Why joining a MLM business scheme could be a great work opportunity

If you think you don't know what a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) company is, I can bet you now you will have heard of one of the more famous MLM brands. Avon Cosmetics has been rocking the MLM business model since the 1970s, and Herbalife and their nutritional supplements have practically become a household name in the past few years.
Not to be confused with old-fashioned pyramid selling and completely a mile away from any dodgy ponzi scheme – MLM businesses are offering all kinds of people a real opportunity to make money online and off line, experience new industries and learn new business skills.

So how does a good MLM work?

In simple terms a Multi-Level Marketing company will set up a network of autonomous distributors to sell a product or service direct to the consumer.
If you join a MLM scheme you will make money from selling a product or service, but the business and your income will only truly prosper by the recruitment of your own sales team. Each member of the company will earn a commission from the sales of each individual in their network.
To ensure you make the best money in this kind of business it is important to not only know and sell your product, but to also nurture and motivate your own team.

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Who will suit the MLM business lifestyle?

There is no limit to the type of person the MLM business will suit. From busy international entrepreneurs to part time single parents looking for an additional income, all-comers are welcome and can benefit from participating in these work schemes.

And lets be honest most of us these days are looking for an avenue to earn some extra finances. Salaries in general have not increased alongside the cost of living over the past ten years and the normal person on the street often needs extra money just to pay the bills.

Make More Money with Crypto888The modern MLM programmes provide flexibility for those who need to work from home and are unable to commit full time to a more traditional job. Therefore these opportunities are ideal for those unable to afford childcare or are restricted by other family and living situations, such as caring for an elderly relative.
Retirees who miss the interest and excitement of the working week but find it difficult to step back into the workplace can immediately enter a new phase of working life. Age does not prohibit you; a lack of experience will not hinder you.

The many benefits of joining a good MLM company include:

  • the opportunity to earn good money
  • the chance to find a new job or career
  • to further an existing career
  • to gain new work skills
  • to bring back to life old work skills
  • working as part of a dynamic team
  • for the excitement of promoting a great product or communicating with new people

If you are someone who falls into the wide group of people that an MLM business would suit – and that means just about everybody! Then why not consider a scheme like online gambling and investment programmeCrypto888, one of many exciting and financially rewarding MLM opportunities that you can participate in today.

Friday 30 October 2015

What Can Cryptocurrencies Be Used For?

So you have chosen your cryptocurrency and have invested, installed your wallet, and you're ready to spend some of it. Okay but where and how do you do that? There seems to be no definitive guide, well, do not panic, we have you covered. 

There is no doubt, if people are willing to spend, business owners are willing too. Overstock is a great example, although the number of vendors who accept digital currency isn't as large, as those that accept credit cards, there are still thousands who accept cryptocurrency transactions.

As with anything new to the market, there is always a cautious approach to new tech. However, alternative currencies are gaining in popularity and many of those hesitant business owners are now taking notice.

Many websites offer alist of merchants that accept cryptocurrencies in exchange for goods and services. If you’ve tried doing business with a company that doesn't take alternative currencies, look for an alternative. You’ll be amazed how many businesses have changed their minds about cryptocurrency, simply through the recommendation of their customers.

So, if you've got your investments settled, and you're itching to dive in and make a few purchases with your cryptocurrency, your purchases will help keep the cryptocurrency healthy, you get new stuff. Everyone’s a winner!

Using your cryptocurrency is just as easy, if not easier than the traditional payment methods of paying for goods or services with your credit card or debit card.

A cryptocurrency machine in London

The majority of your transactions are likely to take place from your home on your computer, but online transactions, and can be used to make purchases, pay bills, buy precious metals or donate to your favourite charity.

How does an online transaction work?

Okay so once you approach a vendor about their goods or services, they provide you with their public key. It is basically a line of code that is used to identify them. This public key may not be obvious or even visible to you, as it is often embedded in “Pay Now” button, but do not worry, it is there. Both yours and the vendor’s public keys ensure no transaction can be made without them.

No transactions can be made with digital currency without the public keys of both parties involved. After you transmit your public key, the seller can identify you and vice versa. Their account will be credited, and yours will be debited. That's all there is to it, it is easy to make an online transaction.

It is important to note, that your name and address, unlike your credit cards, does not contain your physical address as all transactions are anonymous. Remember to provide your address if the shipping of goods is involved, do not leave the seller with no way to deliver to you.

Cryptocurrencies are not just for online transactions, many retailers accept in-store use. So, you can still look at what you're buying, prior to making your purchase. However, the experience is slightly different than using cash in some cases, as many businesses post a QRcode next to an item.

A QR code is similar to a bar code, which you can decipher with a multitude of readily available apps that can be installed on your smartphone. You can literally just scan the code and carry out the transaction right there in-store. As an added bonus, the product’s QR code will often include a discount, encouraging the in-store rather than online purchase or the product.

Thursday 29 October 2015

What Are Cryptocurrencies?

Cryptocurrencies do not rely established financial institutions to guarantee or verify transactions. The computers and users on the network confirm Cryptocurrency transactions. New currency is produced through ‘mining’, and how mining works depends on the currency and varies from one cryptocurrency to the next.

Cryptocurrencies are completely digital, so they can be used in lots of ways that traditional currencies can’t, for example you don't need an account or good credit to use cryptocurrencies. Buying consumables and services is becoming increasingly easier as more and more retailers accept them. Fees for using cryptocurrencies tend to be far less than the processing fees of standard credit cards. It is also possible to make anonymous transactions, with cryptocurrencies your online cash is discreet, and safe to use.

Cryptocurrencies: What To Consider?

Cryptocurrencies are traded in many different ways. Here are the main aspects to consider.

  • Volume of Daily Trade

Daily trading volume: the value of the coins that are exchanged daily. A relative high daily trading volume, can indicate a healthy economy.

  • Verification

A major difference between cryptocurrencies is their verification method. The longest standing and most common, is called proof of work. To verify a transaction, a computer has to solve a difficult math problem. All this requires a massive amount of energy to operate. Proof-of-stake systems have tried to solve this by letting large share users verify transactions, requiring less processing power.

  • Acceptance by Retailers

A few cryptocurrencies are widely accepted, most, however, have more limited acceptance. In many cases, cryptocurrencies are designed for purposes other than retail shopping.

Many stores in capital cities now accept CryptoCurrencies
for purchases just as they accept a normal credit card or cash

Whatever your initial thoughts are, cryptocurrencies are an exciting new financial development. Where the technology will lead? No one knows, but cryptocurrencies sure offer possibilities that traditional cash can't.

Cryptocurrencies Review

Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency, and although its value is not as high as in the past, it is the most valuable cryptocurrency on the market. Its verification system is resistant to fraud, but it requires significant processing power to ‘mine’.

Peercoin was first conceived as an answer to growing sustainability concerns surrounding another cryptocurrency. Some specialty online retailers take payments in the currency, but these remain few and far between. With a little digging, you can exchange Peercoins for survival gear, video games, jewelry and more. Some charitable companies also accept payments in Peercoin.

Ripple is an entirely new kind of cryptocurrency. Because of its unique architecture, no retailers directly accept Ripple for goods and services, as the Ripple currency is a medium for converting any currency instantly into any other one, without relying on a central exchange. Ripple has the potential to allow for more trade in many existing currencies.

Primecoin is a cryptocurrency that functions as a form of money, uses the processing power of its users to conduct mathematical research. Since Primecoin is a fairly novel currency, its retail acceptance is very low, but using it could grant significant benefits to the scientific community.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

The African Oil & Gas Industry Explained

The initial investments sparked by the discovery of oil on Ghana’s coastline in 2007, plus finds in Uganda, Kenya, Mozambique and Tanzania, have been dashed in recent times. The low cost of oil has slowed the previously seen, enthusiastic rush to invest. It’s no surprise, investment has faded, with oil prices plummeting to more than half the initial value. From a lofty $100 per barrel, the current price of oil is $45.70, as stated by

Can Africa’s Governments Turn Things Around?

Recently improved political stability, successful oil and gas explorations, inclusion of local companies and industry workers, provide a foundation for positive, long-term, economic development.

Africa’s oil and gas sector now competes for investment dollars with other sectors, such as the growing consumer market and technology sector. This results in the sector lacking capital at a time when, ironically, investment capital has never been so readily available. This competition is forcing African governments to be as investor-friendly as possible.

Today, governments, policy makers, leaders and influencers understand how important it is for projects to go ahead as soon as possible. As a result, African governments are more likely to introduce investment-friendly policies, regulations and incentives. All of which could boost the growth potential of the oil and gas sector, creating a more collaborative, and investment-friendly landscape.

It is clear that once this slump in oil prices recovers, the real winners will be those countries that were successful in attracting overseas investment. The losers will be the countries sticking to the old rules of the $100-a-barrel-world.

In an interview about private equity opportunities, Chris Sim, director of investment banking at Investec, said
“Africa is important. Some private equity companies have seen some big successes in the oilfield service sector,” he says, “so there is still a willingness to invest further.”

PriceWaterhouseCoopers Africa in the report titled "From fragile to agile Africa oil & gas review" noted that from a proven oil reserve totaling 129.2 billion barrels, Africa produced 8.2 million barrels of crude oil per day (bbl/d) in 2014. Over 76 percent of this production came from Nigeria, Algeria, Egypt and Angola in 2014.

As of the end of 2014, Africa has proven natural gas reserves of just fewer than 500 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) with 90 percent of the continent's annual natural gas production still coming from Nigeria, Libya, Algeria and Egypt.

"This is a slight drop in reserves compared to 2013, and production also decreased slightly over the period. Consequently, the continent still has nearly 70 years of natural gas production available given current production rates." it said.

For the world, the report said,
"Global discoveries of new oil and gas reserves dropped to their lowest level in at least two decades in 2014, if shale oil and gas reserves in North America are excluded. In 2013, nine of the largest 20 discoveries were in Africa, whereas in 2014 this had risen to 11".

The PwC report noted that the worldwide slowdown appears to be less alarming in Africa, than in the rest of the world. This annual decline is the first, while the global number and size of discoveries has decreased for four years running.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Oil & Gas in Africa, What You Should Know

The history of oil in Africa spans several decades, and Africa’s proven oil reserves have continued to grow. In addition, it is estimated that billions of barrels are offshore, waiting to be discovered. In turn, Africa’s gas reserves continue to grow, with regular new discoveries pointing to significant upward potential.

The emergence of a wealthier middle class on the continent, will surely see the potential for oil and gas, to grow significantly over the next 20 years. More than half of the top global discoveries in the oil and gas sector in 2013, were made in Africa. Hundreds of companies are currently exploring deposits there, with millions of barrels of crude oil produced daily. Great news for Africa, but is the story more about gas than oil?
Image source: Bolloré

Is Africa Potentially a Major Exporter of Oil?

The potential for further oil and gas finds in Africa, remain exceedingly positive. If prospects are as favourable as projected, Africa can be a major oil exporter for decades to come.

For years, Africa has been seen as a diverse way, to be less dependent on oil from the Middle East. Massive demands from India and China, have created growth in economies, radically changing Africa’s economic landscape and export profile.

It is expected that Africa’soil exports to China will increase, as China is expected to become the world’s largest importer of oil by 2020. There is no doubt that Africa is a growing source of oil to world markets.

Overall, Africa’s oil reserves and production, are expected to increase over the medium to the long-term time period. The region has world class potential, onshore and off-shore, in terms of its reserves, unexplored territories and the obvious potential in the Red Sea.

However, there are challenges. Refining capacity on the continent, remains limited. Resulting in the need to export crude oil, then importing it as refined oil. The refining industry itself has issues, which include, poor upkeep, theft, and other operational problems.

Many African countries have gas reserves, and exploration for them continues on the continent. Recent, substantial finds, have lifted the prospects of these countries becoming major exporters of LNG. Here is a list of the 10 Highest Oil Producing African Countries.

North Africa remains the continent’s leading region for natural gas production. With most of the current gas reserves being found when searching for oil. Many African countries create incentives for energy companies to explore for gas, in an effort to ‘decouple’ from oil in terms of investment.

Is there Still Potential for Oil & Gas in Africa?

Under Explored

Well, Africa still very much remains underexplored by oil and gas companies. The cautious approach is mainly due to the challenges of corruption, lack of infrastructure and regulation. However, if you look carefully, you can see the industry responding positively to more scrutiny.

Inexpensive, but Long Term

It can be inexpensive finding oil and gas in Africa but developing it needs a long-term commitment. With the onset of better regulatory and business environments, Africa is sure to attract investment needed to unlock their natural resources, which in turn generate revenue and change economic landscapes. 

Sunday 25 October 2015

Change Your Habits For Business Success

It cannot be a coincidence that many of the world’s most successful people, share a lot of similar habits. It seems that reoccurring patterns of behaviour, often lead to high levels of ongoing achievement. To maximise your productivity, effectiveness and business success, try following them. It can propel you further and faster towards your personal or professional goals.

How to achieve business success

Eliminate Distractions

According to Basex, a management science company, it’s estimated that distractions cost businesses billions in resources. For most people, maintaining high levels of concentration, for extended periods of time, makes it hard to stay focused. Couple that with the multitude of distractions we face each day, like the pull of social media. Learning to ignore these nuisances creates less stress, improves productivity and a happier workday. So, put your phone away, log out of social media, and close your office door when you need to be most productive.

Put Your Feet Up

One of, if not, the most important factor to having a productive day every day, is getting enough sleep, regularly.  This is one of the easiest things you can do to increase your focus, enthusiasm and energy. The National Sleep Foundation states that there’s no way to determine the perfect amount of sleep required. However, studies show that 7 hours of sleep a night, makes you far more productive. So, be sure to take regular breaks, rest, and recharge: It may vastly improve your creativity, productivity and output.

Maintain a Morning Ritual

Keep your mind focused on the bigger tasks at hand, by doing the same things every morning. Establishing an active routine, is a great way to start the day. Many hugely successful people start the day strong, they read business books, catch up on the news, get up-to-date on emails, or listen to podcasts while exercising.

Prioritise Your Day

Visualising the day ahead, and taking stock of what they would like to accomplish, is a daily practice for hugely successful people. It is a way for them to visualise what lies ahead, as well as focus mentally for the challenges they’ll be facing. Many successful people create a daily “to-do list” the evening before each workday, prioritising tasks by importance. That way, the next morning, they can tackle the most difficult challenges first, improving their productivity, making the rest of the day, a breeze by comparison.
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Take Care of Yourself

It simply isn’t possible to work hard, but also play hard, not at full speed anyway. Hugely successful people know this and relax a little each day, using their free time to indulge in something they truly enjoy. Taking care of yourself also means, a healthy diet, which includes breakfast. Your brain works best when fueled by protein, carbohydrates and fats. Take the time to fuel your body and mind for the challenges ahead. Staying organised both in the office and at home, it helps to eliminate stress, and is another way to take care of yourself.

Put First Things First

Successful people budget their time, using their peak performance hours to focus on completing harder tasks, in turn, bringing them closer to their goals. Get the most important tasks done first – the rest will seem trivial by comparison. These important tasks should be tackled while you’re at your freshest, most awake, and best.

Saturday 24 October 2015

4 Ways To Stop People Taking Advantage Of You

When others take advantage of you, it can be a real problem, making you angry, aggressive, hopeless and make you feel worthless. It can also lead to you standing-up for yourself, in-turn, developing your self-esteem and self-respect. Although, being assertive and standing-up for yourself can be uncomfortable at times, it is definitely worth it in the long-term.

Most people's feelings fluctuate and are somewhat based on their daily experiences. The negative feedback from a client, how your friends and family treat you, and of course, the ebb and flow of a romantic relationship, all impact on your wellbeing.

Stand up for yourself

Stop Others Taking Advantage of You in 4 Steps

I’m sure you believe and try to be a helpful person, and sometimes this allows people to take advantage. First thing to do is ‘stop this pattern’. It is possible and definitely healthier if you have some boundaries.

Protect Yourself Step 1

Think back to a time when you were taken advantage of and think about how you felt. Perhaps a colleague dropped a project on you at the last minute, wrong food at a restaurant, or someone keeping you on the phone for an hour. Think about how this situation made you feel. Think about the feelings and thoughts that come up when you recognise someone is taking advantage of your time or kindness. This feeling is important, it will push you to use the following skills.

Protect Yourself Step 2

Figure out what you value. Maybe it’s your free time, working out or binge watching, Game of Thrones maybe? Personally, I have people emailing or phoning me at all hours of the day and night, but no one can be available 24/7. It’s not fair to me and it isn’t fair to my clients. If I’m annoyed or frustrated, how am I going to be serving them? So, rather than continue down this path, I decided to set hours, and let my clients know these were. This helped me spend my time with family and friends and I recommend you do the same.

Set boundaries for yourself
It helps to set boundaries and communicate them to your clients. friends and family. You will find life is a lot easier all of the sudden, and your friends, clients or colleagues will like you better for it!

Protect Yourself Step 3

Set yourself up to succeed, paying close attention to all the details. Notice the small things that take advantage of your time, kindness, or your lack of attention.  Be aware of your interactions and if people begin to take advantage of, then you can respond.

Protect Yourself Step 4

Respond. Speak up for yourself. It can be just a question or confirming that your needs are being met, their answer will also keep you feeling confident and in control. Be nice and polite when you are asking for what you want to be fixed or inquiring about it.

Look, at the end of the day, it is you who may be taken advantage of, so you have to step up, be brave, and respect yourself otherwise it will keep happening. The more you practice saying “no” or standing up for what’s right for you, the higher your self-esteem will become.

Friday 23 October 2015

How to make money from a good MLM company

Let us be realistic, the Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) business model is here to stay – in essence a MLM company is one that sets up an independent team of distributors to sell directly to the public.
It has probably been around in one form or another since the dawn of trading, but since the explosion of the internet significantly more MLM schemes have emerged and become established in the international marketplace.

The World Wide Web has been the perfect portal and instrument for the MLM aficionados – what better way to advertise your business quickly and effectively? What superior tool could you possibly use to reach so many people with your product? And the internet provides the perfect platform to build a business network and recruit a distribution team.

And why not? This type of business is perfect for many: part timers, retirees, those looking for an additional income, internet traders and perhaps those career people who literally thrive on networking.
So lets have a look at a few simple steps that you can take to start making money from a MLM company.

Choose the MLM company wisely

Take time to research the scheme you are thinking about joining. Positive pointers to look out for are if the organisation has been established for some time, with a history of trading that you can investigate. 
Or (as is often the case with MLM) if the business is a new start up you can look into which industry professionals are associated with the scheme for a sound endorsement. Make sure the company is original and does not copy too much of what others do. An original company will make you more money than a copycat!

Select an excellent product or service

Look to be involved with a company that sells a unique or in demand product or service.
Exclusive products are by nature easier to sell if they are new to the market or available from only one source. Unexplored markets or territories where a product has previously been unavailable will also provide you with an essential list of new business opportunities.
Beware of trends for unusual or fashionable products that wont provide the possibility of future long-term sales.

Alternatively sign up for a product that everyone needs! Items that consumers will always purchase and utilise will obviously always sell – these products will sell continuously and provide you with repeat sales.

Finally it will always help if you really love and believe in the product! You will find it so much easier to not only sell the product but also to recruit new distributors to your team.

Work with the best payment and distribution schemes

Check the payment and distribution details of your favoured MLM carefully. Avoid MLM businesses who set their commission rates too high or those that make unfair commission payments across the membership base.

To avoid pyramid schemes look for an MLM that pays new members as fairly as older or original distributors. Look out particularly for companies that make profit payments and commissions from a collective pool rather than just the sign up fees of new members. A good example of a great MLM is the Crypto888 Members Club, they do exactly that, pay fairly and consistently

Training is important

Investigate the training and support that is available to you, not only from the MLM company itself,
but from your recruiter and the network you join.

The more training and support you are given, the better you will be at selling the product and the more money you will make.

  • Choose your team wisely: The way to earning the bigger bucks from a MLM business is through your distribution team. The more they sell, the more money you will make. So consider carefully who you would like to join you in this enterprise.
  • Take care of your team and network: And the more you care about your team the better! The more support you give them and constructive training they undertake, the better they will perform. Collectively a happy productive network will ensure that you and everyone on your team will reap increasingly better financial rewards.
  • Be consistent and interesting with your online marketing: And follow the lead of the MLM company that you signed up for. If their marketing enticed you to join up then no doubt it will impress others too.

Keep interest in the company, product and your team alive by syndicating relevant news or promoting exciting competitions and discounts. Remember your social media marketing will help you in finding new and valuable members for your team and further extend your network and money making opportunities.