Saturday 24 October 2015

4 Ways To Stop People Taking Advantage Of You

When others take advantage of you, it can be a real problem, making you angry, aggressive, hopeless and make you feel worthless. It can also lead to you standing-up for yourself, in-turn, developing your self-esteem and self-respect. Although, being assertive and standing-up for yourself can be uncomfortable at times, it is definitely worth it in the long-term.

Most people's feelings fluctuate and are somewhat based on their daily experiences. The negative feedback from a client, how your friends and family treat you, and of course, the ebb and flow of a romantic relationship, all impact on your wellbeing.

Stand up for yourself

Stop Others Taking Advantage of You in 4 Steps

I’m sure you believe and try to be a helpful person, and sometimes this allows people to take advantage. First thing to do is ‘stop this pattern’. It is possible and definitely healthier if you have some boundaries.

Protect Yourself Step 1

Think back to a time when you were taken advantage of and think about how you felt. Perhaps a colleague dropped a project on you at the last minute, wrong food at a restaurant, or someone keeping you on the phone for an hour. Think about how this situation made you feel. Think about the feelings and thoughts that come up when you recognise someone is taking advantage of your time or kindness. This feeling is important, it will push you to use the following skills.

Protect Yourself Step 2

Figure out what you value. Maybe it’s your free time, working out or binge watching, Game of Thrones maybe? Personally, I have people emailing or phoning me at all hours of the day and night, but no one can be available 24/7. It’s not fair to me and it isn’t fair to my clients. If I’m annoyed or frustrated, how am I going to be serving them? So, rather than continue down this path, I decided to set hours, and let my clients know these were. This helped me spend my time with family and friends and I recommend you do the same.

Set boundaries for yourself
It helps to set boundaries and communicate them to your clients. friends and family. You will find life is a lot easier all of the sudden, and your friends, clients or colleagues will like you better for it!

Protect Yourself Step 3

Set yourself up to succeed, paying close attention to all the details. Notice the small things that take advantage of your time, kindness, or your lack of attention.  Be aware of your interactions and if people begin to take advantage of, then you can respond.

Protect Yourself Step 4

Respond. Speak up for yourself. It can be just a question or confirming that your needs are being met, their answer will also keep you feeling confident and in control. Be nice and polite when you are asking for what you want to be fixed or inquiring about it.

Look, at the end of the day, it is you who may be taken advantage of, so you have to step up, be brave, and respect yourself otherwise it will keep happening. The more you practice saying “no” or standing up for what’s right for you, the higher your self-esteem will become.

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