Saturday 10 October 2015

Where to find more people to join your network marketing business.

When you decide to join a network marketing business, and are geared up for all the money you are going to make, you will come to the realization that nothing comes for free, and you actually have to get out there to get more recruits. You are all motivated when you first start, but once you realize how difficult it actually is to find more recruits, you soon get a bit flustered and don´t know how to continue from there. Well, no worries let me give you these 5 boosts to ensure your network grows fast and big so you can see the money roll in in no time at all!

5 Top Ways to Make Money Online with Network Marketing

1 – Go out!!

Now that sounds like fun doesn´t it?
Indeed, going out and socializing is one of the better ways to get new recruits. It doesn´t feel forced, and it is a relaxed atmosphere, so your potential recruits don´t actually feel you are selling them anything, they just think you are making conversation. If you are passionate about what you sell, they will soon be hooked and will want to know much more about it.

2 - Go door to door.

This is a little scary at first, but you will soon get used to it, and realize it is not so scary after all.
Start in an area you are comfortable in, such as your own neighborhood, or around that area where you work, so you get used to the process with people you are comfortable with.
A better way to do this in your neighborhood is inviting all your neighbors over for a BBQ at yours, and give them a small presentation while they are there. Again, it looks non-intrusive but is actually veryeffective.

3 – Join the club!

This is also a fun activity. Do you belong to any socialclubs? Do you go to the gym or perhaps you are enrolled in a course? Other clubs you might be involved in will give you potential new recruits without them even knowing they have been chosen yet!

You mention what you do, how much money you make doing it, soon people will be interested and want to know more. If you have not joined a club yet, look in your local newspaper for free clubs to join; there will be tons out there you can choose from.

4 – Talk to service people!

You know many of these kinds of people. They work at the local supermarket, the waitress at your favorite restaurant, the hostess at your favorite club. All these people have “people skills” as they already work in the service industry. They are also very likely to know a lot of people, so if they became your recruit, they would be very successful for themselves, but also for you! You want them on your team!

Talk to them when you are out, leave them your card, and let them know there´s always a place for them when they get tired of doing what they do. Explain they could make some extra cash alongside their regular job, which is great too!

5 – Social media

This tool is the cheapest and best way to get the word out that you are looking for recruits. Facebook, twitter, pinterest, or Google+, all these tools are free to sign up, and you can post whatever you like, whenever you like.

You could put some money in for a sponsored ad, this way you will get more views, but really, if you have many friends and followers, social media works for itself, so you don´t necessarily have to spend money on advertisements.

Also look online for free directories where you can post free advertisements. Anything you can do for free won’t hurt, so get online and use the tools you are given for free.

There you go, you should at least build a nice little network for your business using these tips above. Once you have a good base, it will begin to snowball, and take off.  Eventually your recruits will want to recruit too, so the word will go around fast!

One final word of wisdom; don´t let negative feedback destroy your motivation!! If someone is not interested, leave them be and move on to the next. It is their loss, and you need positive people around you to do your job, so let timewasters go!

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