Tuesday 6 October 2015

Does direct marketing still work?

 If you  are like me, you will have received many letters in the mail from credit card companies promising you credits from 500 up to thousands of euros. And if you are anything like me, you have opened these letters to see what is inside, and you were perhaps even a little curious if you would qualify.

You will notice in the letter that the company who sent it is a reputable company, and to be honest, you do need a credit card. You saw that sofa the other day, and your old one seriously needs replacing.

Direct Marketing Tools

You already have a credit card, it is maxed out, but this new card offered to take over your old credit, and give you the first 6 months interest free. So if anything, you have already made back the money you would pay in interest to your other credit card company for the next 6 months, so it can´t hurt right?

With many new credit cards, come new benefits as well, like discounts at petrol stations. It might only be a little money towards your monthly bills, but every little helps, and if you have a company, your staff could use the card to get petrol, and all of the sudden all those little discounts become a lot!

So weren´t you glad you opened that letter, almost disregarded as junk?

That´s right, direct marketing still works, and it works well. Printing letters, and sending them out, costs a lot of money for those companies, yet they continue to do this, because it works, and it works well.

Us, the consumers, might complain about the amount of Junkmail in our mailbox every week, but some of it might actually be what we need at some point, and direct marketing companies know this. They know that you already have a credit card, and perhaps they know it is maxed out, so you need a new one, and right at that moment, right then, you receive a letter in the mail offering you a new one. How convenient!

This is why, when you do direct marketing for your network marketing business, you need to make sure you do your research first, and do it well. Know what your clients want and investigate when is the best time to offer it to them.
Then you give them the opportunity to get what they need from you, and make it look like it was their own decision to contact you for it.

That is direct marketing, and yes, it still works. Now more than ever!

There is even an association, DMA (Direct Marketing Association) who guides all suppliers and customers through the do's and dont's of this world. They focus on driving and protecting data driven marketing initiatives. A great resource of information, yet again !

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